Herald - Greens call for St Andrews station

Members of the Scottish Greens are calling for a long-term investment in rail, including a station at St Andrews, as The Herald reported in its front-page leader.

The report cites details taken from the Greens 2021 'Rail for All' report, including 'calls for communities of over 5,000 people to be connected to the rail network' and saying that 'new stations should be developed in Levenmouth, Peterhead, St Andrews, Erskine, Penicuik, Broxburn, Forfar, Hawick, Fraserburgh, Westhill' as well as exploring the possibility at Haddington, Banchory, Strathaven and Newburgh (Fife).

Since the report was first published 3 years ago, of course, the two new stations at Levenmouth have been constructed and will open at the beginning of June, the Campaign for North East Rail has got underway with Peterhead and Fraserburgh on its list and the completed Newburgh STAG study has been with Transport Scotland for nearly a year.