New route taken to Community Council
04, 07 11 00:16
The preliminary drawings of the route for the new St Andrews Railway were presented to the Royal Burgh of St Andrews Community Council.
Starlink convenor Jane Ann Liston thanked the Community Council again for their generous contribution to the study and requested that they request the inclusion of the safeguarding of land for the line in TayPlan. The members had an opportunity to study the drawings which they did with interest. The Planning Convenor undertook to consider the matter at their meeting the following week.
Starlink convenor Jane Ann Liston thanked the Community Council again for their generous contribution to the study and requested that they request the inclusion of the safeguarding of land for the line in TayPlan. The members had an opportunity to study the drawings which they did with interest. The Planning Convenor undertook to consider the matter at their meeting the following week.