Starlink contacts SESTRAN
08, 10 11 22:32
The Starlink campaign contacted SESTRAN (South East Scotland Transport Partnership) to update them with progress and to request that they make appropriate representations to TayPlan.
Starlink convenor, Jane Ann Liston, wrote as follows:
As North East Fife still comes under SESTRAN, despite being in the TayPlan area, I thought I should let you know about the study being carried out into the St Andrews railway, only 22 years late! Tata Steel rail division is doing the work and so far has come up with the optimal route and an estimate. I have attached an electronic copy of the overall indicative route which I hope will be of assistance. I also attach a copy of the estimate. Still to be completed are the draft timetable, passenger forecast and carbon reduction calculation. Full publication will take place once the whole study is finished.
I have put in a submission to TayPlan requesting that the route be safeguarded. I hope that, having drawn the latest developments to the attention of SESTRAN, that it too will be able to include it in its remit.
Starlink convenor, Jane Ann Liston, wrote as follows:
As North East Fife still comes under SESTRAN, despite being in the TayPlan area, I thought I should let you know about the study being carried out into the St Andrews railway, only 22 years late! Tata Steel rail division is doing the work and so far has come up with the optimal route and an estimate. I have attached an electronic copy of the overall indicative route which I hope will be of assistance. I also attach a copy of the estimate. Still to be completed are the draft timetable, passenger forecast and carbon reduction calculation. Full publication will take place once the whole study is finished.
I have put in a submission to TayPlan requesting that the route be safeguarded. I hope that, having drawn the latest developments to the attention of SESTRAN, that it too will be able to include it in its remit.