Report submitted to Transport Scotland

The final part of the St Andrews Transport Study was submitted to Transport Scotland today.

The Detailed Options Appraisal followed on from the Case for Change and Preliminary Options Appraisal.

This appraisal, carried out under the Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG), was funded by Transport Scotland after two successful applications to the Local Rail Development Fund in 2018 and 2019. It was carried out by Stantec.

After defining the problem selecting options to solve it and agreeing Transport Planning Objectives, the two options being proposed are (a) a heavy rail connection enabling direct travel from St Andrews to Edinburgh and to Dundee or (b) a Light Rapid Transit connection which would connect with every train at Leuchars at platform level.

Once Transport Scotland has signed off the DOA, the next step is to produce the Outline Business Case.